Monday, October 24, 2011


obviously not everyone believes in using pacifiers for babies....i, however, do not fall into that category. that fact came home quite strongly to me today as amy and rachel went to fill amy's prescription while i stayed behind with baby jack and gavin as he was napping. shortly after they left jack became quite unhappy, and with his adorable baby voice expressed his discomfort. after twenty minutes of jack's unhappiness i texted amy to find out when they were coming home, and where the pacifier was. fortunately for me she knew where to find it. thank heavens.

my children had pacifiers (except for amy who had her blanket and two fingers) and we always made sure we had plenty on was worth the peace they afforded us. i am grateful for pacifiers and the blessed peace they allow us to have.

1 comment:

  1. Oh i hear you. I rounded up Chloe's pacifiers and counted 8. And I still was thinking that maybe that's not enough! Haha! I have them stashed everywhere because they really are a lifesaver :)
