Monday, February 13, 2012

Forget Me Nots

We all have times in our lives where we doubt ourselves. Will we ever reach perfection? Will we ever be the person we know we can be? That has been my struggle lately. Every once in a while I am compelled to be humble, this is one of those 'once in a while's'.

I love and am deeply grateful for personal revelation. It has made this life so very much easier and worthwhile. Today as I felt the stinging self-criticisms coming from my own mind, and my own imperfections I was led to President Uchtdorf's talk he gave in the General Relief Society meeting back in September. At first I was going to read it, then I realized I could watch it. How I love President Uchtdorf for his strength, his testimony, and his love for each of us.

I was reminded of who I am; who I will become. I was, again, humbled by the love our Father has for each of us, His daughters...and I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord that serves as reminders of that love. May we always remember, and never forget who we are - Daughters of a King.

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