Sunday, July 1, 2012

Individual worth

Sometimes I worry that this blog can come across as misrepresentative of my life. If that is the case I apologize... my life is far from perfect, as am I. In fact I have periods of time when I doubt my worth, I struggle with my imperfections. This happens to be one of those times. The other day our daughter, Amy, and I were having a discussion and she shared with me that she is choosing to be happy. When she said that I thought of this blog that I am striving to write in daily. It is my way of choosing happiness. When I share the many things that I am grateful for, from small things to greater and anything in between, it serves as a reminder of my worth, that I am indeed blessed by a loving Father, as are you.


  1. You are definitely a happy person and I love that about you. You always try to see the good and are an inspiration to others.
