Thursday, September 12, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

Life can be trying. Sometimes it is because of choices we've made; other times it is because of choices others have made that influence our lives; and sometimes it just is.

Without going into detail I will share that I am struggling. We all struggle, right? Life isn't a road of ease, at least I've never known it to be. By struggling, for me, I mean that I am simply having a difficult time. Nothing big is going on. I have faith that I will get through this; I always do, with the help of our Father in Heaven, The Savior, and the Holy Ghost - combined.

So, the question is, How? How do I get through this trying time? What do I do to ease this burden?

My answer, what works best for me is this: having an attitude of gratitude. There are times during the day where I mumble and grumble to myself, and that helps no one, especially me. Seriously, it damages my spirit.

As I have pondered this, and prayed about it the answer I've received is to be humble in my gratitude. Thinking of all the things I have to be grateful for just isn't enough, not right now. Instead I have to need to be deeply aware of my blessings, and deeply grateful.

As I do this, and sincerely, mindfully, work through this trial, I believe I will find joy. I believe I will experience a greater love for others, and hopefully become more Christ-like. This will be a journey, it may be a long journey, but it will be a rewarding one because I am determined to change, to be better, and to truly and humbly appreciate the many blessings I have been given in my life.

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