Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Our family has a tradition. At the end of each year we write down the things that happened, and then we write down the things we expect and/or hope to happen in the coming year. So, today I thought I'd share a few things that I am grateful for that happened in our family in 2013.

1.  Maci Jane was born into our family - can't go wrong when another little one joins your family! She was the tie-breaker - now we have 5 granddaughters, and 4 grandsons. She is adorable to boot! :)

2.  Linzi graduated from BYU-I with her BS. Yay!

3.  Craig graduated from UVU and immediately began work at EMC, a great company to work for. He is excelling and loving it! Hooray!!!

4.  Brad received a promotion, which allowed their family to purchase a home; single level, with a back yard!! Yippee!!

5.  Rach returned to school. She now is attending OSU, home of the Beavers. She is going for her Dietetics degree. She is also in a great relationship... double Yay!!

6.  Pat received the Engineer of the Year award for the San Joaquin Chapter of Engineers. So deserving!

7.  Sandy was able to play grandma several times this year, which is what she truly loves to do. We love our grandchildren SO much!

8.  We were able to travel to see family and to go to Hawaii for a few days. :)

9.  We just had half of our children home for Christmas... that was super fun!

10. I've been able to get help from the Chiropractor for my back, which was out of alignment due to my knee being in terrible condition. Luckily my back isn't nearly as bad! I can walk! Yay!!

11. Rach and I were able to go on a road-trip up to Vancouver, BC. Such beautiful country! I can hardly wait to take Pat up there!

All in all, I am grateful for 2013. Like any other year there were good times and bad times. Fortunately the bad were doable, and we have peace in our family and in our home.

Top things I am grateful for: our family, the gospel of Jesus Christ; my relationship with my Savior, and Father, and the Holy Ghost. I am grateful for friends, near and far. I am grateful that we are all here still, as too many that we have known have passed away unexpectedly this year. I am grateful for the good health we do have. I am grateful to live in the United States of America; for the freedom we enjoy, for the right that we have to voice our opinion, and to practice our beliefs. I am grateful for the beauty that we've been blessed with - my personal favorites - the mountains and the ocean. I am grateful that Pat has a good job, and that his dedication to being a good worker affords us the comforts of life. I am grateful for the happiness of our children, children-in-law, and grandchildren. On that note, I am grateful for words of love, hugs, snuggles and kisses.

There truly is so much to be thankful for.

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