Saturday, October 30, 2010


the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health

Isn't health considered one of the most important things that make our life better, happier?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The first wealth is health."

We have had our share of health problems in our family; every family has them. No one is immune to having health issues...

Having been ill three separate times the past month and a half has really made me appreciate the health that I do have. There are several family members in our family that are experiencing serious health problems... two of which are terminal. Watching your loved ones suffer, and slowly decline in health is a difficult thing to endure. Obviously it is more difficult for them, they are the ones who are living with their disease, and dealing with their certain death. Of course I am grateful for the plan of salvation that gives me the knowledge I need to help me as I will most certainly deal with their death. In the meantime, right here and now, it saddens me to see them suffering and know there is little I can do to assist them.

And so, I am grateful. I may not be in the best physical shape, and have a few health concerns of my own, but they are nothing compared to what others are enduring. I am grateful, beyond words, that my body works well. I can do all the things I need to do: walk, bicycle, run errands, clean house (and all that entails), play with my grandkids (when I am blessed enough to be around them), serve in my calling, etc.

I am blessed with good mental and physical health. How can I not be grateful?

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