Monday, December 19, 2011


sounds like an odd subject, right? but here i am typing with my right hand due to an accident last night. sometimes when life happens in a negative form it causes humility, and that is what happened to me.

story -
my temple recommend expires this month, and i was going to wait until January to renew it since the holiday season is one - crazy, and two - cold. my reasoning may sound kind of dumb, but there you have it. yesterday i realized that our stake temple night is January 6th, so i needed to take care of my recommend. first i met with the second counselor in our bishopric (pat felt like someone else should interview me), then in the evening i met with president smith.

all was well, i went home with my recommend.

after getting home i put on my jammies. while doing so our phone rang, pat was beckoned to church to take care of someone else's recommend. problem was that Missy was in the garage already and we knew she'd be difficult to get back in. pat thought he could scare her in by opening and closing the garage she ran out and under our neighbors camper. pat came in and had me get some tuna in hopes of coaxing her again.

unfortunately Diego, the cat that hurt Missy a few weeks back, was over on the other side of the house. so, there i was in my nightgown, with a bowl of tuna trying to get Missy. i was going to just go inside and let her be, knowing that Missy would come home, but pat was worried about the whole Missy/Diego thing, so i went over to chase him away. did i mention that it was dark out? yeah, it was. as i approached Diego i didn't see the sprinkler head sticking up six inches out of the ground, it blended in with the rocks that i met with my face, wrists, and knee. i would say that we became fast friends but that would be a lie, it was more like fast enemies.

fortunately, as i lay there wondering when i would feel well enough to get up and get in the house i noticed a car backing up, it was knight in shining armor. he was looking in the rearview mirror as he was pulling away, and noticed that my nightgown was on the ground, not moving.

he helped me up, took me in the house, calmed me down, got me some ice...all the while i was telling him that he needed to leave. he did, but not until he had taken care of me. with his shoulder gone (not able for me to cry on) i texted the girls, and cried on their shoulders instead. i don't think they've ever heard me cry so much. (thank you amy and rach)

i am feeling a lot of things today; pain is one of them, humility is at the top, for sure.

it's humbling to have to get help from my husband, and daughters. it's humbling to realize that i am dependent on my body working well so that i can do simple tasks. it is humbling to know that life can change in an instant and that we are not always in control.

so, why be grateful for humility? because it brings me to my knees and serves to remind me of who is really in charge and just how much He has blessed me. pat gave me a Priesthood blessing last night also; it made all the difference.

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