Sunday, September 11, 2011


ten years ago today people unexpectedly became heroes.

at the time we were living in idaho falls, the girls were getting ready for school, and pat was watching the today show. he suddenly yells, 'one of the twin towers has been hit by a plane!' i was busy, didn't stop what i was doing and responded, 'oh no! that's too bad!'

i had no idea of the devastation that would soon unfold. we were shocked as another plane hit the other tower - and then heard reports of the pentagon being hit. we knew then, terrorism had struck, once again.
as i drove home from taking the girls to school that morning the towers began falling. like many i was glued to the news the entire day.

all of us experienced that day with many emotions. first, the shock that anyone could do this knowingly and willingly to anyone else; second, that it was happening to us (here!) in the united states of america; third, fear in wondering what was next, and where; fourth, watching it unfold as people leapt to their deaths, making that one last choice for themselves in this life; fifth, being amazed at those that rushed in as others were rushing out, many of those ultimately giving their lives in order to save others (and that they did); sixth, finding out about those that took the terrorists down rather than risk the white house or capital being rammed with a fiery weapon; and seventh - the pride of america - truly becoming united, for a time.

today i find myself feeling grateful for all the firemen, policemen, and volunteers who went to the aid of others, and to those on-board united flight 93 who willingly crashed into a field in shanksville, pa, knowing they would not live to see another day. all are heroes, all gave of themselves. thank you.
Shanksville, PA - where heroes gave their lives.

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