Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Buddy

In case you haven't noticed I love my family...a lot. They (meaning my children) are all uniquely special to me. They each have their own individual personalities, and characteristics that set them apart from one another. Yet they all share similarities as well. Sometimes that just amazes me, truly.

Rach is our youngest. She has left the nest before and I have missed her, but loved that she was finding herself, learning to fly pretty much on her own. In 2009 she returned to the nest, and stayed much longer than she had anticipated. (thank you 'economy') She finally found a job last year and worked for nine months, and she also began an etsy business selling earrings, and finally she started selling Pampered Chef.

In September she lost her job ...couldn't find it anywhere! ;) She was laid off due to our slow economy (thanks again). She wasn't sure just what to do, where to go; but realized it was time to flee the nest yet again. This time she is leaving for Eugene, OR, and going to live with Brad and Amy. There she will find a job, meet new people and have new experiences...and enjoy the scenery, living with her sis, and enjoy being called 'sissy' by a certain little boy. All in all it is good for her.

So, why do I feel like I am losing one of my best friends? Rach and I get along 99.99% of the time. The only time we don't is when one of us is in a foul mood, which isn't very often. She has been my buddy for 25 years... by her choice. She is the child that I know without a doubt chose me to be her mom. She was attached to me from the moment she took her first breath, she was a mama's girl, and it wasn't because we encouraged it, she just was. When Amy began school she came with me wherever I went, happily. That little girl hasn't changed a whole lot. She still loves tagging along with me when I go and run errands, so much so that she drags me out to run errands with her!

She leaves on Monday, and I am sad and happy all at the same time. I so want what is best for her, and for her to find her place in this life, which is not, unhappily for me, here in Manteca. It is time for her to move on, to spread her wings and fly, and become even more who she is meant to be.

How grateful I am for my buddy, for the love we share, the relationship we have, for all the hours of tears and laughter we have experienced together; for all the late night talks, the porch swing chats, and for all the support she has given me. I am grateful she is going to Oregon, I am just going to miss her and just might be lost for a while.


  1. awww. she is a good little buddy. i understand how you feel- how i felt when she left rexburg for you guys. too bad we can't all live near one another and ALL hang out ALL the time! love you mama

  2. thanks momma. i'll definitely miss you guys. i'm sad but i know this is the right thing to do!
