Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Counting blessings

Years ago I was feeling somewhat down. It wasn't as though life wasn't good for me, it was; it was simply that I didn't appreciate what I had. One day I decided to write down all the blessings that I could think of on a full sheet of notebook paper. I was determined to write on both sides, filling it up all the way. That I did.

Once I did this exercise I came to realize how truly blessed I am - not just for the big things but for the little ones as well. We need to all consider what our blessings are - they can be as simple as appreciating the air that we breathe, or that our body works decently well, or for the beauty that surrounds us. It can be as simple as the laughter of a child, a hug from someone that loves you. Or it can be as eternal as forever families; our Savior and Brother, Jesus Christ; or that fact that we are always loved whether we are deserving or not by our Heavenly Father.

That exercise taught me much and that lesson has stayed with me throughout the years. I am grateful that I can count my blessings and name them one by one.

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