Monday, April 18, 2011

These guys plus one more make seven!!

If you know me you know that I am in love with each of my grandchildren. Each one has their own unique personality and I appreciate all that they bring to my life. They make me smile and laugh whenever they are around. I am one lucky grandma to have such adorable and amazing grandchildren! I am grateful.
 The small picture is recent of James and Gavin, the large is from Christmas (doubtful you needed that pointed out to you). However, the recent one is tiny since I copied it from Amy's facebook account, so you get two of them!

 Rylee with Lavender - her seahorse from Monterey Bay Aquarium. She LOVES purple!
 Lucas at Monterey Bay Aquarium - sheepish little guy!
Best picture of Sadie smiling - it is a wonder we snapped it while she sat still!
Then, of course there is Chloe Bear - she is a sweetheart.

I am GRATEFUL for our grandchildren!
I am GRATEFUL for all the joy they bring into our lives.
I am GRATEFUL for the new granddaughter that will be joining our family in August!

There is so much to be grateful for.

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