Wednesday, October 19, 2011

cell phones

amy is scheduled to have her c-section this friday, which will bring another member to our family. (yay!!!) brad's cell phone has died, it is really dead. so, she had been fretting about being able to get ahold of him while he was on campus or at work. no worries now that we are here! he has her phone and she is using mine, for the time being.

it is so different than how it was for pat and i when we were having our children. pat would call me from school during lunch, or breaks when we were having sam and craig. with amy and rachel he would call me from work. thankfully the only emergency c we had was sam, but pat was home when i went in to labor. the other c's were all scheduled, and that is when they came!

i am grateful for cell phones and how convenient they are, and the blessing they can be in our lives.

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