Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Warmin' up!

Last week Pat and I had to go out in the evening to cover up the orange and lemon tree so the frost wouldn't hurt them. In our eyes it was worth it! We love our oranges! We hope to love our lemons, the tree is still a baby, but I cannot imagine that we won't.

On Saturday Pat thought he had heard that the hard frost was over so he uncovered the trees. Around 5:30 PM I checked the forecast on my phone and found that it wasn't going to be for several days. He immediately went out and covered them back up again. Well, it looks like the hard frost (here) will be over tomorrow night. (Yay!)

I am grateful that we live in a climate where it warms up to where we don't need to keep our citrus trees covered! And, on that note, I am so grateful for our delicious oranges! Can't wait to taste them!

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