Sunday, August 28, 2011

aunt dimity

several years ago rachel made a discovery which i am grateful for. that discovery has kept me company for many hours. it is the series of aunt dimity books by nancy atherton. they are a fun read! we actually have most of the series... because we love them. i just finished reading 'the family tree', which is, i believe, the most recently added to the series.

the thing about it is the 'main' character is dead. the other main character who is alive in the book is lori shepard. she solves all kinds of mysteries in a little town in england called finch.

each book also comes with a recipe. i haven't made most of those recipes, but the one we use all the time (well it would be all the time, if we could afford it calorie-wise) is uncle tom's butterscotch brownie's aka blondies. they are delicious. so much so that i am willing to share the recipe here with you!

Uncle Tom’s Butterscotch Brownies 
Preheat oven to 365 degrees.
½ c. melted butter
2 c. dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1½ c. flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. vanilla

¼ cup butterscotch chips - optional
¼ cup semisweet chocolate chips – optional

Butter a 9” square cake pan.  Mix all of the ingredients together in large bowl, combining them well.  Spread mixture in the cake pan and bake for 35 – 40 minutes, or until dry on top and almost firm to the touch.  Let cool for 10 – 15 minutes, then cut in 2” squares.

if you want a delightful, clean read...try the aunt dimity series, and make some blondies to accompany you during your read!

p.s. there is a new one out! yay! 'aunt dimity and the village witch'...something more to be grateful for!

1 comment:

  1. ooooh these blondies are perfection. PERFECTION! now i'll probably make some this week... and keep them all to myself (and our family).

    i love this series too. easy, fun read.
