Saturday, May 7, 2011

New projects!

I love it when new ideas pop into my head that are going to help me be better organized and help our home environment to be cleaner. It's not like we are dirty people around here, we aren't. However, living with a pack rat who doesn't mind clutter can get to me at times, as I try to let go of my desire to have 'a place for everything, and everything in it's place' it is a challenge. The task to organize can be overwhelming since I tend to be an all or nothing kind of person. When I organize I want to organize everything all at once!!! That tactic lends myself to experience pain in ways that makes me not want to get the job completed, in other words I overdo it! Not a healthy or happy idea.

So, my new project to get organized is THIS -
I am cleaning/organizing a drawer/cupboard a day (excluding Sunday - our day of rest). That I can handle! I am so excited about the prospect of getting our home in order (the way I love it to be) I can hardly stand it. Unfortunately it's going to have to wait another week - I have other things going on this week of which I will surely be recuperating from when that adventure ends. (way excited about that too)

I will keep you posted, probably on my other blog - unless I end up being grateful for some sort of discovery I make! ;)

So excited and grateful for new projects! I can hardly wait!

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