Saturday, June 16, 2012

Eternal blessings

Twenty years ago today was one of the most difficult days of my life. My dad unexpectedly passed away. He had suffered a massive heart attack eight weeks earlier, had bypass surgery, and was home and healing. He had to go in for a procedure, then spend the night in the hospital, he actually wanted to go home because he felt fine. Around midnight we received the call that he went into cardiac arrest. By the time we got to the hospital (in record time driving from Paradise to Chico) he was in neuro intensive care. Amazingly enough the hospital had no clue when it happened since they failed to have a heart monitor on him...they weren't sure if his brain would be affected, but it didn't matter, he continued to go from bad to worse. By 9AM he had officially passed away.

 Don't for a moment think that I am in any way grateful for that experience, I definitely am not. What I am grateful for is the knowledge, not just the belief, that our family is eternal. That means everything to me.

On this Father's Day eve I have to express gratitude for my dad. I love him and miss him every day. I am so lucky he is my dad forever.

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