Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to the Gavinator!

Gavin is three years old! We are so excited for him to be three! When I was visiting at Amy's recently I found out just how much he loves to dress up - usually it's with a hat, a cape, boots, and a mask! Talk about personality...this kid has it in spades! If he had his way being dressed as a superhero is how he would spend most of his life, if his mommy would let him. Actually, she does, because when we went to Costco with him 'in character' people were asking him and James which Superheroes they were. Of course James carried on a conversation about it, but Gav, he just said he's Spiderman...of course!

Gav is a lot like his Uncle Craig was as a little boy - fiercely independent, vocal about his opinions, happy, loving, and sometimes a bit on the grumpy side. He embraced his terrible two's with gusto; and everyone will be grateful when that phase of his life is done! He is a really great brother - who can tumble with the best of them, or fight, and then make up.

I love this little guy and am grateful for him in our lives.

Happy Birthday Mister Gavin!

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