Saturday, February 9, 2013

34 years ago

I was just in the kitchen making some dessert to take to our ward potluck tonight. As I was working, and cleaning my mind wandered to 34 years ago tonight. There wasn't anything unusual about that night. Pat and I had gone to do our laundry at the Wash Hut in Provo. Afterwards we came home and had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. What was unusual was that I was 9 months + 9 days pregnant. To say that I was anxious to have our baby is putting it mildly. I had gone into the hospital on February 1st, in labor, and they sent me home, after having given me some sort of shot to stop my contractions. They said I would be back within hours.

They lied.

That is not nice to do to a nine month pregnant all!

We expected to have our baby sooner than we did. When I finally did go into labor 34 years ago tonight I wouldn't let Pat bring in my overnight case. I was positive they would send me home and I would never have our baby! Never.

(I can be dramatic at times, in case you didn't know)

After getting checked in they took me up and prepped me for delivery. Before long it was evident that he was not going to make an entrance on his own. Pat was scared; I was calm. I'd had a blessing and I knew that all would be well. And it was...minus the whole c-section part, and the cord being wrapped around his neck twice.

The point is, it's amazing with how much clarity I can remember that eventful evening. I remember the Dr's discussing the BYU basketball game during Sam's delivery. I remember when I finally was able to hold him... our little (well, not little, 9 lbs. 6 oz) bundle of joy. I remember the love I felt for him. It was a quiet, peaceful, enduring love.

Yes, that love continues to endure, and to grow.

I am grateful for our Sam. I am grateful for all the wonder he has brought to our lives. I am grateful for his personality, his talents, his love for his family (ours included), for his sense of humor, for the memories he has helped to create over all of these thirty-four years.

While his birthday is tomorrow (born at 1:34 AM), I just want him to know how grateful I am for him. I just can't believe that I have known and loved him for this long. It just plain amazes me.

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