Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tempura asparagus

We had planned on going out for dinner last Friday but Pat wasn't feeling well so we didn't go. The plan was to get Chinese food at Dave Wong's, our favorite Chinese restaurant. Since asparagus season is nearly over I felt a sense of urgency that we go, but hadn't actually expressed that to Pat. So, last night we decided to go, as we looked over the menu he commented that they had the tempura asparagus ...how could he not realize that was the main purpose we were getting Chinese food? Does he not know me? Finally he exclaimed, "That's why you wanted to come!" Um, yes!! Once our food arrived I am pretty sure that he was more excited than me to have the asparagus!! In fact he's still talking about the asparagus pizza from last week! He isn't a great lover of food, so that is saying a lot! The food was divine. I can hardly wait for next year! ;)

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